Thank you for enquiring about coaching with me! Below you'll find more information about:
- How coaching can support you
- What coaching is like
- How we work together
- How much coaching costs
- And many frequently asked questions
You will also find below a link to my diary to arrange a coaching consultation if you'd like to have a conversation about working together.
How does the coaching support me?
Your career coaching programme supports you through 4 important stages when you are making a career change or career transition:
1. Define
Working out what you really want from your career.
We’ll discuss what’s not working for you at the moment, what you’d like your future to look like and what’s stopping you from getting there. We’ll also explore what you enjoy, what's important to you. What your strengths are, your experience and how you can use these in a different future role.
3. Evaluate
Which options are best for you and how you can get there
When you have a number of options under consideration, we go into more depth so you know what to expect, which suit your criteria best, and what steps are involved in making your transition. This is about further research to fill in the gaps, action plans and taking practical 'assignments' to test your ideas.
2. Explore
Creating options and exploring what your new future could look like.
We’ll identify job and career options you can consider, and how these link to your strengths so you can identify those which are the best fit for you. We approach this creatively and from different angles than you are likely to have considered before. It's surprising what great ideas can come from this!
4. Apply
You take positive and supported steps toward your new career.
Support with crafting a highly effective CV, job application or LinkedIn profile are topics we cover at this stage. How to convey your strengths and what you can offer, in interviews or during networking. And for clients who decide to start their own business, this can involve support in taking the next steps.
The programme will support you through your career change or career transition, including understanding what careers would be a good fit for you, identifying your strengths, values and work motivations, creatively exploring your options for a future direction and creating a strategy to make it happen.
The 1-hour coaching sessions take place via Zoom, with guided exercises in between sessions to help you reflect, develop ideas and take actions, and support via email for feedback on the exercises you are working on and any queries which arise between sessions. You will also draw on insights about your preferred ways of working and your strengths, from a tailored personality assessment and a detailed Strengths Profile.
Can the coaching programme be tailored?
When coaching together we focus where you most need support. For example, if you aren't sure where to begin we work through the process from the start to ensure you have everything you need. Or, if you have lots of ideas but aren't sure how to get there, we may spend less time in EXPLORE and more on EVALUATING.
Some clients are undecided about whether to try and make the current career path work, or exploring your options. If that sounds like you, this process can support you in understanding how your current career path matches what you want and need, and your current work can be considered alongside other options to help you make the decision in an informed way.
We'll discuss how to tailor the programme to your needs in the consultation.
How much does coaching cost?
Most clients like to commit to a package of 5 (1 hour) coaching sessions, this creates commitment and continuity for our work together, and also allows me to offer a preferential rate for sessions. A package of 5 coaching sessions is CAD$1200.
Alternatively, if you would like to have a single coaching session together to decide if coaching is for you, or wish to work on a session by session basis, a single session is CAD$285.
The coaching with Scott was worth every penny, after twelve years working in a career path I didn't enjoy, I decided to invest in myself to find something more fulfilling. Scott helped me start a new career I hadn't even considered and I'm finally doing something which feels worthwhile!
Management consultant
How many coaching sessions do I need?
For a small number of clients, 1 coaching session is all they need to help them move forward. Usually this is when they already have some clear ideas of what they want, and need help deciding between options or how to get there. This can also be the case when you just need support with your CV/Resume, or preparing for interviews.
For most clients, especially when you are looking to make a change of career direction, it's usual to work together for a minimum of several sessions, so that I can help you make the progress you need. Typically clients require a minimum of 5 coaching sessions, and for some clients we work together for 10 or more as they appreciate more support at every step while they make their career transition.
In the coaching consultation we discuss what you'd like to achieve, and I can recommend what level of coaching support will help you to reach that goal.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Please click on the FAQs below to find out more.
I offer a free consultation to discuss what's happening for you at the moment, what you'd like to achieve, and how coaching can help you. I've supported many clients in making a career change or transition, can answer any questions you have about coaching with me, to help you decide if it's the right thing for you.
Each coaching session is 1-hour. Outside of the session there will be exercises to complete, and actions you may wish to take. I suggest allowing for 1-2 hours outside of each session. This can vary according to what actions you want to take. We can vary how frequently we meet to allow time for you to complete any actions outside of sessions, so you have the time you need.
There is no set timescale - this is different for every client and depends more on whether you have a time frame you need to work to, how much change you are making from your current career path, and what is required for the specific change you want to make (eg if you retrain, relocate, or start a business). Most clients need a minimum of several months, however 9-12 months+ helps you make a career change more effectively. Giving yourself more time means that you can do more to make things happen, eg making contacts, research, undertaking training, getting experience.
I understand that you'll need to balance the cost of coaching against your personal circumstances, and it's also important to consider it against the benefits of achieving what you want. I always suggest that you consider coaching in the same way you would any investment, because it can help you achieve things that you might not happen on their own. If you can achieve your goal of finding job satisfaction, doing work that feels more fulfilling, or helps you achieve the life you want, what is that worth to you? For my clients, reaching their goals has more than repaid that investment. Some have created better work life balance and now feel much happier. Other clients are finally using the strengths and talents they are best at and most enjoy. others have found a path forward after redundancy and secured a future path they enjoy. Some clients have achieved a significant pay rise.
Another consideration is the cost of not being able to make the change you want. Being in a job where you are unhappy can have a big cost in so many ways, so make sure you consider it from all angles.
Coaching takes place via Zoom. A link for each session will be provided.
The coaching can help you make a career change or transition, however it’s important to combine that with actions outside of coaching. After a session there may be exercises to complete, or actions that you wish to take in support of your goals.
Client feedback
I've helped many clients like you find work that makes them happy. Here's some of their positive feedback:
Scott has been an invaluable resource for me in this transition journey. He's helped me realize things about myself I didn't know. He's helped me gain the confidence to explore the root of who I am and move forward with confidence
I hired Scott as I was looking for a change in career direction. His programme meant that rather than trawling job-sites looking for something I could do, hoping I would fall into something that was right for me; I was instead able to proactively choose what I wanted to do and for whom I wanted to work. Thanks Scott!
E-learning specialist
Scott has been a great help to refocus my mind, get clarity and explore new opportunities and industries after relocating to the UK last year. I can highly recommend him to any one who are considering a career change or feeling stuck in their current role.
Scott's coaching was a fantastic help to me. He set me on a new path, which has resulted in a new career. He has a wonderful way of teasing out what's in your head but were too afraid to admit to yourself. He has an empathetic and genuine approach, and while no idea is too wacky to consider, he has an armoury of practical and useful advice on how to proceed.
science communication
Scott is a very patient and calm presence that helped guide me through a difficult career block I was having. He was brilliant, he had the right tools, insight and suggestions ready at the right time, and helped me get out of the rut I was in!
Scott has helped me challenge my thinking, organise muddled thoughts and see grey where previously I saw black and white. Together we’ve formed a template of what I want from my career which has helped me reassess my current line of work, size up job opportunities better and feel much more optimistic about the future
I hope this information helps you understand more about how coaching can support you, and what coaching together would look like.
I appreciate that you may have questions, and there may be aspects of your current situation which you'd like to discuss so that we can create a coaching plan which supports you in the way you need.
These are usually best to discuss in a consultation, if you have any questions you'd like to ask before going ahead with a consultation, you are very welcome to reach out to me at